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24-HOUR Design Sprint

Rapid Relocation

Enhancing Emergency Evacuation in Florida

Jan 31 - Feb 1, 2025

Jan 31 - Feb 1, 2025

4pm Friday to 4pm Saturday
@ the FSU Innovation Hub

*with 8-hour break for sleep at home

Essential Information

$3,000 in prizes!

Three meals included!

Free event t-shirts & giveaways for all participants!

A great opportunity to make new connections, gain marketable skills, and make a difference in the world!!

This event is open to ALL MAJORS!

Coding and programming skills NOT required!

Only 50 seats available!

The Challenge

With coastal communities facing escalating threats from hurricanes and flooding,
How might we promote better and more complete evacuation of individuals living near Florida's coasts?

Your Mission

Working in an interdisciplinary team, using Design Thinking and the support of experts, develop a solution to an area of the challenge that is impactful and feasible.

Pitch your solution for a chance to win prizes.

Do all of this within the 24-hour time frame.

Solutions may be physical inventions, apps, services, systems, or a combination of these.

This challenge may require skills from many disciplines and majors:

  • Social Sciences

  • Engineering

  • Computing and Technology

  • Communications and Digital Media

  • Humanities

  • Science, Meteorology and Math

Event Tentative Agenda

Friday, Jan 31

Orientation, Teaming, Planning, Ideation

3:30 PM Check-in

4:00 PM Welcome and Introductions

4:15 PM Background Information

Design Thinking training (15 minutes)

Challenge background information (45 minutes)

Tips and Tricks (5 minutes)

Teaming (5 minutes)

5:30 PM Teams meet over Pizza

6:00 - 10:00 PM Empathy Research & Reframing

Access to Experts

10:00 - Midnight Team Ideation

12:00 AM (midnight) Hub Closes

Teams may work on their own at the Hub until midnight, or work elsewhere. Take some time to sleep so that you feel sharp and rested on Saturday.

Saturday, Feb 1

Ideation, Prototyping, and Pitching

8:30 AM Check-in / Breakfast / Orientation

9:00 - 11:30 AM Prototyping, Pitch Prep

Access to Experts

12:00 PM Working Lunch

1:00 PM Submit your Pitch Deck as a link to a Google Slides presentation

1:30 - 2:45 Presentations

Pitches will be 3 minutes, 6 slides with two minutes of Q&A

2:45 Judge Deliberation

3:00 Awards and Group photos

4:00 Event Concludes

Online Resources

Process Resources

Emergency Evacuation Research Resources

Judging Criteria

Innovative - Is this a new solution or are other solution providers already offering something similar? A high score is earned by a brand new solution not currently available.

Creative - How creative is this idea? Is it something anyone could have thought of? A high score is earned by a highly imaginative and creative solution.

Impact - How useful will the solution be at addressing the challenge? A high score is earned by a solution that fully addresses a problem.

Impact Area - How important is the issue that this solution addresses for stakeholders? A high score is earned by a very important issue being addressed - a critical necessity rather than a convenience.

Feasibility - Will it be easy to implement? Or will it require a lot of effort and investment? A high score is earned by a solution that is highly feasible.

Prototype and Pitch - How effective was the prototype and presentation in selling the solution? Did it illustrate the use of Design Thinking? A high score is earned by an impactful presentations that demonstrates the full use of Design Thinking principles.


  • This is an Design Sprint not a business pitch competition. There is no expectation of teams developing a business plan. Teams need only present their innovative idea for a solution.

  • Nor is this a hackathon, where judges will review code or technical aspects of the solution.