Innovation Courses
IDS1107 Future Innovators & Future Innovators X
0 Credits
Fulfills Engage 100
These sections of IDS 1107 will introduce you to innovation-related programs, services and resources at FSU, mapping them to your interests and goals, and providing you with a pathway to gaining the necessary skills and experiences to become a Seminole Innovator.
ENT1611 Designing Your Life with Innovation
1 credit
Fulfills Engage 100
This course applies the basic skills of Design Thinking to inspire innovation for all FSU students when making life decisions on campus and beyond. Design Thinking employs a three-stage process for developing solutions to the wicked problem of designing your life: Empathize, Ideate, and Build. In this class, you apply these steps to developing solutions for building a well-lived and joyful life.
ENT3607 Innovation by Design
3 Credits
Fulfills Scholarship in Practice
Required for Innovation Minor
This course teaches methods common to human-centered innovation frameworks such as Design Thinking: empathizing with people in given situations, framing and reframing problems, ideating, prototyping and testing solutions. Students will learn the process of developing products, services, systems and other solutions from the initial discovery of needs, to presenting a tested solution ready for deployment.
IDS2141 Innovation and Emerging Technologies
3 Credit Hours
Required for Innovation Minor
Fulfills Scholarship in Practice
Fulfills Computer Competency
This course provides students with the opportunity to work hands-on with emerging technologies in an innovative setting that encourages critical thinking, interdisciplinary perspectives, and lifelong learning skills. The course introduces students to tools and techniques used to design, develop, and evaluate innovative technologies and guides students through the development of their own technological innovations.
ENT3605 Systems Thinking
3 credits
Fulfills Scholarship in Practice
In this course, students will learn the systems innovation process and develop solutions to systemic problems in areas such as education, transportation, housing, environment, health and employment. Student teams will identify relevant components of the system, recognize cause and effect relationships and feedback loops, build a systems map, and unveil levers to improve system performance.
ENT4601 Innovation Grand Challenge
3 credits
Fulfills Formative Experiences
Apply by emailing the instructor: ken@innovation.fsu.edu
Many of today’s biggest challenges are very complex and require teams of specialists with diverse skills and knowledge. This course was created to provide students with the experience of solving grand challenges through interdisciplinary team work and innovative methods.
DIG3779 Intro to VR Development
3 credits
Fulfills Digital Literacy
In this course, students will use industry leading tools and hardware to develop immersive worlds and experiences for virtual reality. The course is designed to break down the barriers of 3D development for students of all majors and backgrounds with no previous experience required.
COM3930 Virtual Reality Development II
3 credits
This course builds on the skills in the Intro level class (a prerequisite) to bring students to professional-level skills in VR development.
ENT4934 Intro to Digital Fabrication
3 credits
Explore digital fabrication technologies in the Innovation Hub Fablab including 3d design, 3d printing, vinyl cutting, laser cutting, and cnc routing. Bring your digital designs into the real world!
ENT5609 Prototyping
3 credits
This course provides students with an in-depth survey and analysis of best practices, industry standard tools, and entrepreneurship applications of prototyping for commercialization of new offerings.