Donors and Supporters
As an interdisciplinary resource, the Innovation Hub depends on the support of academic programs and individuals who believe in the value of working across disciplines to develop creative innovative solutions.
We have been very fortunate in the support we receive from FSU administration and departments. You need only look at our Staff and Leadership to see the wide array of departments involved in our operations.
Our supporters extend beyond the boarders of the university to include generous individuals who have provided financial support for student activities, and valuable technology resources. We would like to recognize the following individuals for their generosity and support of innovation at FSU!
2024-25 Academic Year
Conrad Gleber in memory of Gail Rubini
Carol Gleber and the Gleber Family Foundation
Sam Huckaba and the College of Arts and Sciences
2023-24 Academic Year
Gail Rubini for the donation of the Rubini New and Immersive Media Design Lab
Thank YOU!
Support Creativity, Design and Innovation at FSU!