Innovation Minor

The Innovation Minor is now in full swing and is a great way for students to gain the powerful innovation and tech skills that employers are seeking. Nothing pairs better with ANY major than Innovation! Check with your academic advisor to see if an Innovation Minor is right for you!

Earn the Innovation Minor in three easy steps



ENT 3607
Innovation by Design

[3 Credit Hours, Fulfills Scholarship in Practice] This course teaches methods common to human-centered innovation frameworks such as Design Thinking: empathizing with people in given situations, framing and reframing problems, ideating, prototyping and testing solutions. Students will learn the process of developing products, services, systems and other solutions from the initial discovery of needs, to presenting a tested solution ready for deployment.


IDS 2141
Innovation and Emerging Technologies

[3 Credit Hours] This course provides students with the opportunity to work hands-on with emerging technologies in an innovative setting that encourages critical thinking, interdisciplinary perspectives, and lifelong learning skills. The course introduces students to tools and techniques used to design, develop, and evaluate innovative technologies and guides students through the development of their own technological innovations.


Add two electives
from the following list

DIG3779 - Intro to Virtual Reality Development

CGS3406- Object-Oriented Programming in C++

CGS3416- Java Programming for Non-Specialists

COM4470- Desktop Multimedia

COP2258- Problem Solving with Object Oriented Programming

COP3014 - Programming I

COP3035 - Intro to Programming w/Python

DIG3118- Digital Graphic Design

CGS2821 - Introduction to Web Design

EIN4445- Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization

ENT2624- Enough to be Dangerous: Impact Areas of STEM Commercialization

IDS2403- Creative Inquiry

ISC1057- Computational Thinking

ISC3313- Introduction to Scientific Computing

ISS 3241- Foundations of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation

LIS2360- Web Applications Development

LIS2527- Digital Storytelling in Information Environments

LIS4351- User Experience Design

LIS4380- Social Media Management

LIS4381- Mobile Web Application Development

LIS4701- Information and Data Visualization

LIS4480- Information Technology Leadership

MMC4300- Diffusion of Innovation

PAD4075- Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Emergency Management

PAD4072- Applications of Unmanned Aircraft Systems

PAD4936- Special Topics in Public Administration

Students may also take Special Topics or other courses related to innovation, creativity, technology, and design, bearing in mind that these courses may not be offered regularly. Before registering for other innovation course, students should confirm that the course will count toward the Innovation Minor with their academic advisor.